Principal Morgan Nolan to have proposed 2023-2024 schedule following spring break

Reena Alsakaji, Editor-in-Chief

Last issue of Crier, we asked students to report their preferences on block scheduling. We sent out the survey again due to a lack of responses, and found that 92 students are for block scheduling whereas 283 are against. 59 students of students had no preference. The survey of 453 students was open from Jan. 27-Feb.17.

Mr. Morgan Nolan, principal, states that discussions about the schedule next year are still ongoing, but that they will have a general idea of a schedule following spring break. Several schools near our districts, Mr. Nolan reported, have some form of hybrid scheduling; the schedule for next year may not be a strict block schedule, but some form of hybrid. 

“I’m not in favor of it,” Karol Ceja, freshman, said. “I find it hard to focus in class sometimes already, and them being twice the length is only going to make that harder.”