Opening a new chapter: An update on the Media Center’s renovation, resources are now accessible for all students

Lexi Villalobos

NEW AND IMPROVED Now on new modern shelves, books are ready to be checked out. The different genres are displayed at the top of the shelves.

Lexi Villalobos, Page Editor

The Media Center has been fully renovated with new features, including the bookshelves and rooms for teachers and students to use. A new website for the Media Center can now be accessed by students and staff, too. 

“I think the new Media Center is wonderful. It’s well received,” Ms. Hladek said.

 New bookshelves have been in the Media Center, allowing the books to be put back and checked out. However, some bookshelves during transit were damaged. The cause of this damage was due to a small hole in the shipping container, letting water in. VS furniture company had the damaged items replaced. 

The printing station has no printers or solution currently. The printers were not in the plan for the new design. For every decision, cost and benefits play a big role, meaning figuring out the printers would weigh those. Some students have a difficult time not being able to print what they need. 

“It sucks. I do not have a printer at my moms house so sometimes I’m left without a place to print. I have one at my dad’s house but I do not always have the time to go out of my way to get there to print, especially with extracurriculars and homework and stuff,” Jordan Fefferman, sophomore said. 

Students are welcome to enter the Media Center for studying, as long as they have received a pass from Ms. Ellen Naumoff, study hall teacher. In addition, if a student is in their lunch hour and needs a more quiet atmosphere, they can get a pass from the Media Center. Students interested in staying during lunch all semester can get a laminated pass from Mrs. Hellen Fuller, dean. 

Teachers can now reserve a room for class or extracurricular activities for a change of scenery. There are a total of six rooms that can be used and are encouraged to do so. Mr. Jordan Mayer, English teacher, has used one of the study rooms for Speech and Debate. 

“I think it is a practical room and we are able to manage our practices more efficiently since there are more outlets and rooms for students to use. I highly recommend teachers utilize the learning spaces in the Media Center,” Mr. Mayer said. 

Details about the rooms can be found on the Media Center’s website. To reserve any of these areas that spark interest, email or call Mr. Ray Palasz or Ms. Hladek. 

To access the Media Center’s website, it is linked on Munster High School and Crier’s website. The website includes more information about the Media Center, books and for teachers there is a request form.