In a class of their own
Classes heavily impacted by Covid-19 safety guidelines share their thoughts
Adorned in her mask, Emma Jez, freshman, stretches during her physical education class.
September 3, 2020
In the wake of the pandemic and the starting of a new school year, every class has had to adjust. While adapting to these changes has been difficult for every class and teacher, some have been hit harder than others, specifically Choir, band, and gym. While other classes can put on masks and set up dividers, these three classes have faced far greater challenges.
“Class is different, the energy is different and the activities are different. It’s an adjustment for us all,” Mrs. Charity Schmit, physical education teacher, said.
Choir must meet in the auditorium in order to maintain social distancing, wear masks at all times and can only sing when they get the chance to practice outside. Following Mr. Andrew Robinson’s, the former choir director, resignation, choir students utilized the class as a study hall. Not long after the first week of school, Mr. Luke McGinnis, choir director, was brought on to fill the position. Mr. McGinnis’s familiarity with his students has no doubt been a great help for the students’ transition for this year.
“I couldn’t be happier with Munster’s decision to hire him,” Anna Speckhard, senior, said.
While Choir will not be able to conduct their usual events, Mr. McGinnis is planning several units, including music theory, music in film, as well as music and math, providing members with some exciting new challenges.
Preparing for a virtual performance October 14, Band is already in full swing, however not without some serious restrictions. All band practices must take place outdoors, all members who play instruments without their mouths must wear masks, all band members must also maintain social distancing while playing, virtual learners must participate via Blackboard Collaborate and band members can only practice once a week, as opposed to their usual four day schedule. Aside from these new regulations, ISSMA and Bands of America have also cancelled their competitions. While these setbacks are unfortunate, band members have never been foreigners to turbulence.
“My goal for the year is to continue to improve as performers and musicians and learn to enjoy performing without competition,” Mr. Bret Winternheimer, band director, said. “I feel that if the band can learn to enjoy performing with the lights turned off, we will be even better performers when we get to turn the lights back on.”
Gym class is seen as an important rite of passage for incoming students, a way to meet new friends and, for many, a fun break from the rigors of academia. This year, however, gym students face a few obstacles. Students have assigned seats and assigned lockers, all six feet apart. Other precautions include wearing masks while indoors and an increased focus on individual activities instead of team sport activities.
“eLearners have to check in with each class and receive activity instruction from the teacher, ” Ms. Charity Smicht, physical education teacher, said.
For many this is not optimal, particularly incoming freshmen who were looking forward to their last year of physical education.
“I’m looking forward to maybe, hopefully, getting to a point where we can do more than just running,” Nick Greiner, freshman, said.