Film Club starts working on a podcast


Henry Hofferth

EVERYTHING IN FOCUS Adjusting his camera settings, Alex Mohammed, freshman, gets ready for Film Club.

Lauren Hoogeveen, Page Editor

Starting off the year, Film Club has decided to begin a podcast that will feature student and staff interviews and reviews. A meeting was held on Sept. 30 to discuss the contents of the first episode, though its release date is undecided. The episodes should be around 30 minutes long and will include some recurring segments such as “This or That,” where students can debate which presented idea or object is better, and film reviews. 

“I’m most excited about meeting new people and having fun with spreading information about certain things,” Kourtney Veals, junior and Film Club president, said. “Our goals are to make a positive impact on the school, encourage others to speak up about whatever it is we may be talking about, and to overall have fun.”