The 2021 art show begins

in order to combat COVID-19, this years art show takes place online.

Linda Ramirez

“My Future Yet Mapped”. Colored pencil on Bristol board.

Gage Hoekstra, Page Editor

Nearing the end of an unorthodox and challenging year, the art department has decided to commemorate their students’ works through a digital art show. Due to both the COVID-19 associated risks of an indoor showing and the fact that students turned in their projects digitally, it made sense to showcase their pieces online rather than in-person. While works are still being added, the website has already been created and can be accessed using this link to the Munster Highschool Art Show

“The show will display digital images on an original website gallery, created by students in the department.” Mrs. Elena Lopez, art teacher, said. “Original Drawings in pencil, colored pencil and marker; Paintings in oil, watercolor, acrylic and gouache; photographs, digital designs, architectural and interior design; socially aware or instrumentalism, illustration and Interpretive works in 2D; and ceramics will all be included.”

In addition to the digital art show, students have called upon to take part in the district-wide Congressional Art Competition. Of all the participants, only one is selected, having their art displayed alongside the winners from every other district for one year at a special exhibit in Washington D.C. This year, students were permitted to submit paintings, drawings, collages, prints, mixed media, computer-generated art and photography.

“The Art Department is extremely confident in the selections sent to the Congressional Competition.” Mrs. Lopez said. “As always, our students work extremely hard and we have a very diverse group of entries. We can only wait and see if one of their works is selected.”