Science Olympiad prepares for tournament tomorrow
HIGH VOLTAGE In the Science Olympiad lab, students Stephen Glombicki, sophomore, and Daniel Eriks, senior, test the voltage of a wire. (photo by ethan pischner)
December 15, 2022
Spending hours after school cramming more notes into their already overflowing binders, Science Olympiad has been preparing for the virtual Centerville Invitational tournament tomorrow. To study, most members have been setting aside three to four hours a day to work. They spend most of that time researching, working out equations and learning as much as they can about the topics. Depending on the event, members will either take a test, perform experiments, build something or a combination. Also, this tournament is helping members prepare for the in-person tournament at Penn State Jan. 14.
“Finding the will to sit down and study can be hard sometimes,” Ethan Loredo, junior, said. “A lot of the concepts I choose to study are really abstract and hard to find information on. There’s always a new level of depth you can go into.”