Students prepare to travel abroad for the summer
JOGGING YOUR MEMORY Reviewing Spanish terms for her upcoming trip to Spain, Olivia Evilsizor, junior, works hard to commit the terms to memory. “I am working hard to learn and memorize new vocabulary before I leave,” Olivia said.
May 18, 2022
Exploring new terrains, MHS students will begin to travel the world June 8 and return July 18. Attending students include seniors Luka Stepanovich, Lindsey Reda and Marissa Slivka, and juniors Olivia Evilsizor, Julianna Dodge, Margaret Heritage and Patrick Cullars. The process of getting into the program is long and tedious. The IU Honors program is just resuming after two years of cancellations due to covid. The students will be going to sites in Spain and France, and they are placed with a host family chosen by the program. At their sites, students will attend classes during this six week period about literature, grammar and linguistics. The students will have these classes at 7:45 a.m. to around 3 p.m. with a curfew of 8 p.m.
The program has multiple rules starting with not being able to use phones, though many students don’t mind the rule, according to Olivia Evilsizor, junior, and Lindsey Reda, senior.
“That’s gonna be really tough. I’m not even gonna lie, like getting off my phone for two days is tough, but I think I’ll gradually get used to it, especially because our class is gonna be so tiny and close with each other,” Olivia said.
Luka is the only student at MHS that is going to France for the program. He will be living in Saumur, France with his host family and traveling to Paris and Provence.
“I’m excited about shopping and the food,” Luka said. “And everything about early learning opportunities to be fluent.”