Making headway: Science Olympiad to take on Regionals tomorrow

TAKING A CHANCE Building a rocket parachute to propel a pingpong ball in the air, Femi Ololade, sophomore, works on his Science Olympiad project.

The exhilarating feeling of the 50 minutes time block on tests during competitions. It is about being strategic by getting the most points with the time and knowledge. This is something that many members of Science Olympiad look forward to when competing.

“It is always kind of exhilarating to rush through and do the best you can in that short 50 minute time block,” Simon Nirenberg, sophomore, said. 

Last Saturday, the teams went to Michigan for an overnight tournament, a higher caliber competition with a variety of teams and great quality tests, according to Iris Gong, senior. The tournament helped to prepare them for their upcoming Regional competition tomorrow.  

“I think we’re looking forward to competitions in the future where we get this harder test where we can figure out okay, like, ‘What do I need to learn? What do I already know?”’ Iris said.