Girls’ Tennis begins season
GET SERVED Serving the ball in her practice match, Addy Klawitter, senior, prepares for the season. “It’s mainly matches,” Addy said, “We also do conditioning mostly every practice.”
Girls’ Tennis have officially begun their season, after having their season cancelled last year due to the pandemic.
“Everyone’s still really sad about it,” Libby Fesko said. “Our coach actually doesn’t want us to talk about it because he’s so upset. We were projected to be number one in the state, so it was really a big letdown this year and I think morales were really low the first week, because it was just thinking of what could have been. It was like our one year of glory. But we have a lot of new faces, so it’s more like a fresh start and building up the program for future years.”
Now, Girls’ Tennis are working on bouncing back in this new season.
“Our goals (this season) is to continue the streak of sectionals wins and then (the) same with regionals as well, then hopefully get to semi state, and if we win semi state clearly win state,” Emily Rakich, senior, said. “(We’re) just always working up.”
Currently, Girls’ Tennis has a score of one to one and are preparing for an away game next Wednesday against Lake Central.
“I’m looking forward to just enjoying my senior year season,” Addy Klawitter, senior, said. “I’m enjoying competing again playing different schools all of that so I really just want to take in my last season and enjoy it the best that I can.”

Hi! I'm Alison and I'm a senior. I'm the deadline manager. I'm in cross country, DECA, Project X, YAT, and CEC. I love to bullet journal and write. A fun...