A club to think about
After undergoing an organizational revision, Philosophy Club begins to host meetings again
Club leaders Gage Hoekstra, Crier Page Editor, Jacob Kats, and Daniel Nozick, juniors, discuss Utilitarianism and Deontology. “I really think students are more interested and passionate about learning than they’re often giving credit for,” Gage, said. “It’s incredible to see so many people willing to spend their time having these sorts of conversations, and I really hope that some of the ideas we present will stick with people and impact the way they think about the world and themselves.”
December 10, 2020

Philosophy club, sponsored by Mr. Thomas Barnes, English teacher, has officially returned. The clubs reopening was delayed by the absence of leaders, but has since grown into a new system. In place of electing new officials, students take a collective leadership approach to running the meetings until further notice
The last meeting of the philosophy club was held on Dec. 9, and the next meeting will be held in person and online on Dec. 23. The club will meet every other Wednesday and begin around 3:45 p.m.
“It is eLearner accessible,” Daniel Nozick, junior, said. “There’s a Blackboard Collaborate that anyone can join, no enrollment key needed.”
Within this group, students will learn the meaning and history of various philosophies. For instance, the more recent discussion surrounded the philosophies of utilitarianism and deontology. Utilitarianism is the idea that an action is okay if benefits the majority, Deontology meanwhile believes that the end result won’t necessarily justify the means.
“Everything we do can be related to philosophy, even guided by it.” Daniel said.
As students discuss these philosophies, they are able to contemplate real world applications, and pass their own judgements onto it. Though, according to Daniel, the process can be somewhat difficult.
“I don’t know if I’d say it’s beneficial,” he said. “It can be sometimes, but it will also drive you a little crazy when you’re too attached.”