Speech returned to Munster with a sectionals with a first place victory. Now, gearing towards State competition on March 6 at Plymouth, the team hopes to win their 15th competition in a row.
“Gearing up for state will require practicing every day for the next two weeks,” senior Meghan Mulcahy said. “I’ll be working with coaches and teammate so we feel at our best to win state.”

Math Team
The Math Team begins their preparations for their national competition, MathCon, taking place on March 7. The team studies different math concepts that are outside of Munster’s curriculum. Concepts include Combinatorics, advanced Counting and Probability, Algebra manipulations and more.
“We’re trying to instill an analytical way of thinking so that when you do see a problem, you can apply what you’ve learned,” senior Jude Jimenez said.
Science Olympiad
After having finished their meet at Northwestern University on Feb. 22 with a superscore of fourth place, the Munster Science Olympiad teams begin loading their binders and tweaking their projects in anticipation for State at Purdue Northwest in the beginning of April.
Junior member Grace Wang competed in Entomology, Ecology and Dynamic Planet at Northwestern. She reflects on the granted access to the new science laboratories in the Northern wing.
“The laboratory is helpful since we have a space for our practices now,” Wang said. “A few days ago, some people were setting up a forensics experiment to prep for competition. Mr. Koszut gets bothered a lot less now that the members have the lab space.”
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