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Third times a charm: Munster high school construction continues into new school year

LAY THE GROUNDWORK Iron beams lining the halls, the upstairs music room is early in its construction phase. According to principal Morgan Nolan, the choir room floors will be insulated with rubber and will have double walls to suppress sound.
LAY THE GROUNDWORK Iron beams lining the halls, the upstairs music room is early in its construction phase. According to principal Morgan Nolan, the choir room floors will be insulated with rubber and will have double walls to suppress sound.
Damien Salahieh

The familiar buzz and bangs of panels sound in the foreign language hallways for the third consecutive year of construction. The multi-phase construction plan, which was initiated at the start of the school year, is estimated to span until 2028. Principal Mr. Morgan Nolan, who has overseen stages of operation, expresses the importance of construction in the sake of cooperative security.  

“We want you to have the best environment and facilities to work at your best. If the students feel like the school’s putting into our facilities, then they can put their work in too,” he said. “It’s how we can work symbiotically.”

Current phase of construction:

  • Science classes in the north are receiving similar changes to preceding classroom renovations, including lighting, heating and air conditioning. Fiber optics are being integrated into many technological elements such as the clocks and promethean boards. This section is estimated to open back up for students before fall break.
  • As a new installation, the space above the foreign language hallway is currently being renovated into a music sector. This will include a choir room, a keyboarding room, and a music library. 
  • The current music wing is being refurbished, allowing larger space for a percussion and orchestra room in turns of the choir being relocated upstairs.

Next phase of construction:

  • The auditorium will be going out of commission this December in preparation for reconditioning, including heating, duct work, electrical, fire suppression systems, as well as seating and flooring. The auditorium is estimated to be out until next December.
  • The field house will be receiving new electrical scoreboards and bleachers.
  • Construction will break ground on the baseball and soccer field. The outfield will be fully turfed, as well as an installation of stadium seating. This is estimated to begin October 14th.


Effects of construction on staff: 

  • Teachers have moved rooms from original classrooms in the science and music hallways to the media center, extra classrooms and the middle school. 
  • “One thing I miss is talking with Mr. Koszut and Mr. Bakker,” Mr. Nicklaus Ronsen, human body systems and medical intervention teacher, said. “When we get here early in the morning, around six, we’d debate about science for at least 10 or 20 minutes. We’ve all been spread about, so it’s not easy.”

Effects of construction on students:

  • Orchestra and band students walk from the high school to the middle school for their classes. 
  • “I’m excited to see what changes have been made,” Aris Karountzos, junior and orchestra member, said. “The transition from one school to another for one 47 minute class period has been stressful, so I’m definitely excited to get the room back. We don’t get as much rehearsal time, and with people showing up at different times class doesn’t flow as smoothly.”
  • The MTC, in effect by second semester, will relocate their performances.
  • “There had been talk of renovations in the auditorium for a while, but we got the official announcement during the closing night of Footloose,” Evvy Kikkert, senior and MTC president said. “Because the structure of this year has been so uncertain, we as a company have worked to emphasize something that doesn’t need an auditorium to thrive and that’s the community we’ve created. That’s been a major message for us this season.”
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