During the school day on March 7, the district experienced internet and server issues. As a result, students, teachers and parents were unable to access PowerSchool and Outlook.
Now, most applications are functional: PowerSchool, Outlook, intercoms, and bells. However, this does not include all Crier related activity.
The disruption affected student servers which Crier utilizes to store photos and design software.
On the first day of building this paper, Crier lost access to everything previously created.
Last Friday, staff made plans that the server would not recover in time for the deadline and started recreating what we had started.
On Monday, the staff ran recovery software on all SD cards to attempt to recover lost photos while also retaking photos. Although they were able to keep their deadline Wednesday, all of the work that both Crier and Paragon have done second semester is lost despite the server being back up.
Overall, students are still seeing issues with missing files from right before the network went down.